17 Sep
There are seven chakras, or major energy centers, in the human body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means “wheel”. The chakras are similar to wheels in that they are spinning vortexes of energy. They are centers of force located within your body, through which you receive, transmit, and process life energies. Each chakra is recognized as a focal point relating to spiritual, physical and emotional energies. The chakras are the network through which your mind, body, and spirit interact...
17 Sep
Later we talk about how to star your chakra meditation in the best way possible, here we bring to you the final steps to conclude it successfully! You should imagine a life giving energy that you are breathing in along with the air. See this energy as a yellowish orange color. See this energy encompass your entire body and infuse your aura. As this energy infuses your aura, imagine the aura growing stronger, brighter and being charged with this incredible...
17 Sep
Meditation is the best way to release stress, maintenance your body and mind clean and bring to you new and fresh energy. The following steps describe how to practice a chakra meditation to balance and align your chakra energies. Chakra meditation begins by sitting in a comfortable position with your spine straight, but not ridged. You then want to focus on each part of your body starting with your feet and working up. As you do this, have that part...